Friday, November 19, 2010

IT'S A...

We found out at 18w6d it's a BOY! We are very excited! Anthony can't wait to have a brother!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Jake felt the baby kick for the first time tonight! & I can actually see the baby kick now from the outside of my belly! So exciting!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Just a few more weeks (2 wks & 4 days to be exact!) until we find out if it's a BOY or GIRL! & I'll be half way done with my pregnancy at that point! (Actually a little over half way since I'll be going in a wk early.) I feel like this pregnancy is flying by!

So an update with baby:

I felt the baby move a couple weeks ago, but that was it for awhile, I didn't feel anything after that. But about 4 days ago I felt it again! & ever since then baby's been moving around like crazy! I only feel it when I'm sitting down relaxing, I don't feel it when I'm up moving around. Sooo I've been sitting down to relax a lot lately, just so I can feel the baby move :) I don't feel kicking or anything, it feels like the baby is doing gymnastics in my belly & rolling around in circles. I swear I felt the baby on the outside the other day though. It could be in my head but I had my arm resting on my belly & I felt a light tap on my arm. So I put my hand in the same spot to see if I would feel it again & I DID!

On Wednesday October 20 we had a big scare. Jake, Anthony & I were lying in bed. Jake & Anthony started tickling each other & wresting & playing around, when Anthony went to jump on Jake & missed & nailed me in my stomach. He's hit my belly on accident before but this time was so much harder than the others. His knee got me right about where my incision is from my c-section. It hurt. The pain started to subside after a minute or so but I was still crampy for about an hour after that. I was really starting to get nervous. So, I called my doctor & they said to come in right away & when I got there they listened to the heartbeat & said everything was perfect! They think it probably bruised me when he hit so hard & that's why I was cramping. I almost cried when I heard the heart beating good & strong, I was SO relieved!

So my appt to find out the sex on on November 17th (which is also Uncle Daniels Birthday!) Hopefully the baby will cooperate so we can see! At this point everyone, except for me, thinks it's a girl. I am hoping for a girl, but a boy will be a blessing too!